Dave Foster of the revolutionary KudoCase will appear on Startup Radio with Charles Mudd on May 14, 2012 at 3:00pm. Dave will discuss features of the solar powered KudoCase. In addition, he will converse with host Charles Mudd on topics of interest to startups, particularly those manufacturing technology based products. The topics will include his experiences using Kickstarter to help fund the project; the benefits of becoming Apple certified; the advantages and disadvantages of using overseas production and suppliers; and more.
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Employment on the Internet: Rebroadcast of Spark Hire's Josh... on Startup Radio will air 05/28. http://t.co/kmRPdnqGjR #BlogTalkRadio 11 years ago
Rebroadcast of Josh Tolan of Spark Hire on Startup Radio will air 05/28. http://t.co/73k0dPksTH #BlogTalkRadio 11 years ago
Startup Radio will be relaunching June 2014, stay tuned! 11 years ago